Fit In or Fit Out Page 2
Works Cited
Collasanti, Susane. Keep Holding On. Viking Juvenile, 2012.
“Do Something.” Causes: 11 Facts about Teens and Self-Esteem.
“Facts & Statistics.”Make Beats Not Beat Downs. Facts.
Felder, Leonard. Fitting in is Overrated: The Survival Guide to Anyone who Has Ever Felt Like an Outsider. Manhattan: Sterling Press, 2008.
Hall, Megan and Jones, Carrie. Dear Bully. Harper Teen, 2011.
“On Conformity: (Not) Fitting In” Hub Pages. Antivalentine.Health.
Summers, Courtney. Some Girls Are. St. Martin's Griffin Press, 2010.
Author Notes
First, I want to thank you for downloading this ebook. I hope you enjoyed it and it wasn’t too boring. Feel free to leave a review at your favorite retailer, it’s always welcome. Really, somebody will give you a cookie if you do. Some day. I hope.
This essay was originally for a high school assignment. Since then, I’ve tweaked it and fixed it according to what I’ve learned.
This isn’t some lame preaching about why you shouldn’t be mean to other people. I hope it didn’t come across like that. Everything I’ve written comes from someone who’s lived it and knows how it is.
I want to reach out to people who, like me, have struggled or are struggling with the highs and lows of that strange impulse to fit in. I’ve seen it forge and destroy friendships and lives before, and it’s time to acknowledge is heavy presence in the world.
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